Decreasing energy consumption with the help of IoT sensors

IoT sensors help you determine the property's energy consumption. They about monitoring energy consumption and sustainable planning easier and more accurate. inBliss Smart IoT sensors work synchronously in a versatile way with inBliss system which can be used to control all the most essential features of the use of the property.

What are inBliss Smart IoT sensors?

inBliss Smart IoT sensors collect information about the use of the property automatically. 

Presence sensors provide information on the use of rooms, workstations and desks. It is enough that, for example, we enter the door or sit on a chair. The information is synchronized with the system, and the occupancy rate of the facilities can be displayed on everyone's phone with inBliss Mobile App or in the browser, with the desired property inBliss Info- and Door Side Displays or as free/busy indicator lights.

Condition sensors in turn, provide information about external conditions that affect the energy level and performance of the property, such as temperature, air pressure, humidity, and desired property alarms. The information is essential for real estate development and for monitoring energy use. Data can also be presented on info screens as interesting content with, for example, water consumption, which also motivates property users to make more energy-efficient choices.

Sustainable in terms of energy consumption

The property's energy consumption can be regulated according to external conditions and the use of the property. Automatic data collection on the use of facilities as well as on other factors affecting energy consumption is an essential aid for sustainable and efficient planning and easy implementation of energy use. Plans for, for example, the heating of the property's premises and the use of lights can be made based on accurate information and not on guesswork. Exceptional conditions, seasons or other factors that affect energy consumption are easily noticed with the help of sensors.


More about combining remote and office work

The uses of inBliss Smart IoT sensors are versatile, and they are used in addition to real estate development, e.g. as an integral part of the space reservation system. Presence sensors provide real-time and accurate information inBliss Space reservation system showing the booking statuses of rooms, workstations or any desired space automatisoidusti. . Our design engineer helps to solve the best possible combination for each client.

As part of a user-friendly and versatile space reservation system, the sensors make combining remote and office work clearer and easier. Any user of the property can therefore easily check, for example inBliss Mobile App what kind of fuss is there at work when making a decision about a remote or office day.


Versatile uses while saving resources

The data provided by handy little helpers can be used in many other ways. inBliss Smart IoT sensing has also been utilized, for example, in monitoring material consumption with distance sensors. This way, you can get information about, for example, the need to refill the tissue holder, and there is no need for unnecessary maintenance visits.

Why inBliss

The inBliss system is a completely domestic in-house developed system that was developed with ease of use in mind. The most versatile features on the market are the result of more than 10 years of product development for customer needs. The total solution covers inBliss Space responsible for reservations of facilities and other resources, inBliss Host for managing visitors, inBliss Digital Signage for managing the info displays and inBliss Mobile Apps make controlling systems and internal communication even smarter. We offer ready-made versatile integrations and customized solutions for the customer's needs. In addition to the system, the inBliss offering includes everything necessary equipment solutions.

Discover all the features of the widest system on the market here.

We are proud of our glorious and large customer base. Our Smart Building and display solutions are in use and running in the headquarters of many of Finland's largest corporations, in more than half of the Business Parks in the Helsinki metropolitan area and in several modern elevator solutions in exclusive destinations. You can also admire our solutions in many public areas including e.g. libraries, museums and shopping malls.

Contact us and we will suggest the most suitable solution for your company's needs.

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